Focus on Value – Value in Focus Experts of Value

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Focus on Value – Value in Focus Experts of Value

For more information
and let us advise you without obligation!

About us

Our experts of value offer valuable, dynamic, independent and profound advice in the field of economic valuation for a variety of entrepreneurs, businesses, and professionals. Global markets show unprecedented dynamics, so the knowledge about your value-drivers and economic value has become more and more important. Creating sustainable value is what moves the world.

Complex decisions

As director or entrepreneur, daily decisions need to be taken in order create economic value for your company. Some decisions, such as conflicts or the acquisition or sale of a businessare excluded from the “business as usual” and are very complex, far reaching and emotional. With this kind of decisions you may need an independent Register Valuator, with whom you can share your ideas and whom can provide you with valuable advice. Value Drivers Business Valuators will be there for you to help make the right decision.

Accreditation, knowledge, and experience

Certified since 2008 as valuation expert and sworn in as Registered Valuator (RV) in the register of the SWBO. In addition, an active member of the NIRVIn addition the experience, dedication and passion for our profession results in a high quality and added value advice. We look beyond the numbers is what distinguishes us. Our consultants have been involved in more than 300 cases, business successions, acquisitions and valuations. For more information about our “track record”, you can look under the heading references.

Our services

Value Drivers Business Valuators is the independent and committed advisor / counsellor which provides valuation services for entrepreneurs, companies and professionals in the field of:

What is the value of my business and what do I get if I would sell it? If you want to take over another company or just want to sell your business, valuation is a very important part of the proces. Read more

When valuation occurs in the context of a business-related conflict, it is highly important that all parties involved are provided the opportunity to explain their points of view (adversarial and audi alterem partem). Read more

In the specific circumstance that a transaction involves (in part) the same parties, or the transaction involves (external) minor shareholders, family or financers, there could be a conflict of interest among the diverse shareholders. In such cases, it is advisable to have a register valuator independently assess the price and other conditions of the transaction. Read more

The valuation of an enterprise that is involved in the settlement in a divorce situation requires special care, considering the large conflict of interests. Value Drivers Business Valuators frequently functions as an advisor when determining the value of an enterprise in the context of a divorce. The valuation assignments are frequently executed in collaboration with (divorce) lawyers and (divorce) mediators. Read more

Regulations concerning the (international) annual reporting obligates you to exactly indicate for what you have paid: Purchase price allocation (PPA), after an acquisition. Additionally, after an acquisition, you are obligated to conduct an annual impairment test. These are valuation problems with which we would happily support you with. This way, you will meet requirements and you potentially gain more insight in a potential acquisition or the profitability of your enterprise. Read more

Value Drivers Business Valuators offers entrepreneurs advice in the context of the assessment of the amount of economic financial damages and losses. Frequently, these economic loss calculations are executed to support / in collaboration with lawyers with a procedure. In case of an economic dispute, a register valuator is the eminent expert to determine the amount of the financial losses and damages. In these cases, the register valuator can function as a party expert, but also as an independent expert. This occasionally happens as a result of appointment by court. Read more

A lot of entrepreneurs know the value of their enterprise at the moment they want to sell it. Why is it useful to conduct valuation of your enterprise? Not only at the that you want to sell it. It is always important and useful to know which factors determine the value of your enterprise. Read more

Value Drivers Business Valuators is lid van het NIRV (Nederlands Instituut van Register Valuators)

What our clients say about us

Hans van der Ploeg, CEO VBO Makelaar

In my authority as CEO of VBO Makelaar, a leading association of real estate brokers and valuers, we would like to endorse the services of Value Drivers Business Valuators, and more in particular Drs. C.M. de Vries MBV RV. From 2008 until 2012, Chris de Vries RV in his capacity of Registered Valuator performed several independent business valuation, transaction related services and negotiation assignments for VBO Makelaar relating to intellectual property and software.
The services of Value Drivers contributed to the success of the NWWI, the national standard for residential and commercial appraisals.

CEO and CMO of a defense company

In 2013 and 2016 we used the services of Value Drivers. It was quite soon after the accession of a new shareholder in our company that there was a high level of conflict with this shareholder. The approach to the independent valuation as a start for the sale was very professional.
By 2016, Value Drivers Business Valuators helped us set up a management engagement plan for our company active in the defense industry. 

Filip Van Damme, Raad van Bestuur IBM Consulting

As Executive Board Member of IBM Consulting, I would like to endorse the services of Value Drivers Business Valuators. In the capacity of Registered Valuator, sworn in by the NIRV (Dutch Institute of Independent Valuators), Value Drivers Business Valuators performed the following assignments:

  • independent business valuations
  • asset identification and opening balance

for multinational clients in the Benelux.
The services of Mr. C.M. de Vries are performed truly trustworthy, independent and with the highest ethical standards.

Prof. dr.drs. Loek H.L. Winter, CEO / CFO

In my authority as CEO of a leading healthcare group in The Netherlands, we would like to recommend the services of Value Drivers Business Valuators, and more in particular Mr Chris de Vries. From 2010 until 2016 Chris de Vries in his capacity of Registered Valuator performed the following services:

  • independent business valuations
  • second opinions/mediations
  • fairness opinions

for hospitals, diagnostic centers and clinics.
The services of Value Drivers are performed truly trustworthy, independent and with the highest ethical standards.

Our team

Mr. Pandita is responsible for EMEO region. He studied in Sri Lanka, Moscow and the Netherlands.


P. Pandita

The driving force behind Value Drivers is Chris de Vries MSc RV. He has been registered as a NIRV Registered Valuator since 2008. He obtained the Executive Master in Business Valuation degree from TIAS School for Business and Society in 2014.

Register Valuator

Chris de Vries

Manuel Hernandez, analyst, studied computer science at the University of Barranquilla in Colombia. He has been working at Value Drivers Business Valuators since 2012.


Manuel Hernandez